One of the most common complaints from employees is that they don't have opportunities for growth or professional development. Many employees will stay a couple of years and then move on to another company for in increase in pay or a higher level title. While succession planning in an organization is usually done organization wide, don't feel powerless with your team if it isn't being done. With some planning, you can incentivize your staff to learn and grow, reduce turnover and increase engagement within your team.
1. Meet with your employee to find out what their professional goals are. If you are aware of where they want to go and what they want to do, you can look for opportunities for them to grow towards their goals. Being mindful of these opportunities will help to nurture your professional relationship with the employee.
2. Identify potential career paths within the organization. What's the next position on their path? Is it at your organization? Will it be created in the future? What does the employee need to get to the next step? What other departments will be involved? If other managers will be involved in the near future, alert them about the employee's interest and potential progression.
3. Create a map of progression, including training, possible mentors and job shadowing. Outline a specific path for the employee. Meet with them, get their input. Ask for their opinions. Share with them your enthusiasm for their eagerness to learn and grow in the company.
4. Advocate for your employee's growth and progression with other leaders. When interacting with other managers or executives that may interact with your employee, advocate for them. Share your plan for them to progress in the organization. Show your enthusiasm.
5. Follow-up regularly with the employee. Don't let it go! Follow-up with the employee on a regular basis and see how they are feeling about their progression. Express your confidence in them. Let them know that you believe in them.
Good luck! You got this.